1 - Download your App,
2 - Print the image above (target) or the link below
3 - Open your app and point your smartphone to the printed target and be amazed to see solar system spinning in front of your eyes.
With this App you will know the whole solar system in movement and in realistic textures. Augmented reality will show you all the details of the planets with their names in English and Portuguese.
This is surely the best way to learn about the worlds that travel around our Sun.
Download the full text for your search in this link
The Solar System comprises the set consisting of the Sun and all the celestial bodies that are under its gravitational domain. The central star is the largest component of the entire system, accounting for more than 99% of the total mass. The Sun generates its energy through the fusion that transforms hydrogen into helium, two of its main chemical components. The four closest planets of the Sun are: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, they have in common a solid and rocky crust, reason why they are classified in the group of telluric or rocky planets. Further away from the Sun, there are four gaseous giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the largest masses of the solar system after the Sun. Lastly in an irregular orbit we have Pluto, considered a dwarf planet.